Monday, January 25, 2010

Reflection on Night

Job and Wiesel both went through major physical and emotional ailments and suffering. In both of their situations, they did not know why they were in the situation that they were in. Both of their faith in God was strong. They both lived submerged in God in their everyday life. Job wanted to hold on to his faith because he knew that it was the only way. Wiesel had his dad to hold on to and God was too far away for him to live. Job did not have anyone else to turn to it seemed. Wiesel had his dad to keep him. Wiesel lost all of his faith in his suffering. Job constantly defended his faith. It could be argued that because it was not a mass of people torturing him that it was easier for him to keep his faith. Job and Wiesel both tried to keep to their faith starting out. Neither of them stopped having the will to live. Wiesel might have lost his faith but it is in the will to live that he still made it to see the other side of the horror.

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