Thursday, April 15, 2010

Final: Order and Chaos

Order and Chaos is found within daily life. Each definition of order and chaos may be different but it may be very similar. Disciple is a form of order. Life's order as discipline can be found in military circumstances. In the Book Night it says, "...German troops had penetrated Hungarian territory with the government's approval" ( Wiesel 9). The military is formed with specific regulations and guidance that keeps it being at its best. The structure within is set. Then there is the idea of perfection. We see the idolized perfection of the head ruler some may call the police of the government. In the book Burial at Thebes, Antigone states,
"This is law and order
In the land of good King Creon.
This is his edict for you
An for me, Ismene, for me!
And he's coming to announce it" (Heaney 7).
It is not that he was perfect but the idealized perfection that comes with the utmost trust within a ruler. Creon is like the police today. They uphold the power and we trust that they are for the people's best interest.

Then there is the idea of Chaos. Disobedience is a major form of Chaos, especially within cultural interactions. In the story "Brownies," Snot went against the "leader." Her disobedience to the natural law of the group made the explicit order go up in flames. "Everyone seemed to think that we could beat up these girls; no one entertained the thought that they might fight back" (Packer 13). There is also the demands that the order makes which creates chaos. In the book Night, it states this, "Around five o'clock in the morning, we were expelled from the barrack. The Kapos were beating us again, but I no longer felt the pain" (Wiesel 36). The prisoners were ordered around by demands from the officers. Their unknowing was the chaos. The destruction of war is always chaotic. In the book The Burial at Thebes, Antigone was killed because of the war she was having against Creon. "Whe she'd listened to how Haemon stabbed himself she went and took your own sword from its scaabbard and buried it in her heart" (Heaney 72). Her life was lost because of the war with Creon. Her life was chaotic from the start and it ended with the chaos of the mind.
Order and Chaos go hand in hand. Where there is order there is normally chaos. I would go as far as saying that if one is not present then the other is also missing. Order and chaos is found in everyday. Some of it may be exstreme and other times it can be mild. No matter what order and chaos is present.

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