Sunday, February 21, 2010

Movie compared to self

The movie was about the life, soul, and memory of two specific humans. They each tried to erase each other from their memory to make their lives happier and easier. Their attempts to make their lives better was fruitless. The ending of the little story was a scene of hurt confusion and regret from the loss of their memories that they wanted back so desperately. I choose this picture to symbolize that feeling of dread and incomprehensible vastness.

Self was in each one of those characters with and without their memories. Their inner souls' desires reflected what they choose with and without their memories. It was not their previous decisions that forced their future ones. They had not means to reflect upon their previous decisions. Their attempts at preserving themselves and their soul was human nature. Each character attempted to grasp their memories. Their brain, some would say their "self," took on the role of preservation. Memories help define and explain one's self but it does not make one's self wholly. It is in their desires and inner soul that makes a person who they are, unique. This is only a small attempt to prove that memory is only a small aspect of who we are, but it is my hope to see all people take it upon themselves to not only think upon what I have brought up, but to go beyond and form opinions and maybe even prove me wrong in some aspect. Those ponderings and judgements are what helps make who we are.

Monday, February 15, 2010

song on human nature and self

This song has the effects of choices and wants within a life.
"I came on some woods
And stood at a fork in the road
My choices were clear
Yet I froze with the fear
Of not knowing which way to go" (Folgelberg).
The reading on self is significant within this song.It states, "Whatever I may be thinking of, I am always at the same time more
or less aware of
myself, of my personal existence" (William 174).His decision was not one that was only thought of for his own
desires within his life but for the people within his life.
"One road was simple
Acceptance of life
The other road offered sweet peace" (Folgelberg).
What life is about is within our our accord to enable it. What we choose depends on our wants, needs, place in life, and desires.
It is the social, emotional, and desires within ourselves that make our decisions. A blank slate concept is one that states how we make our decisions. Folgelberg did not correlate with the idea of the blank slate. It is what we get out of our decisions that make our lives. The idea of the blank slate implies that it is a divine source from within that our body "checks with" to accept a decision. Life is not run by destiny but by what we choose and why. Folgelberg interpreted the grandness of life with what our heart and human nature desire.
Works Cited
Folgelberg, Dan. "Nether Lands." Nether Lands. Epic Records, 1977.
William, James. "The Self," Psychology: Briefer Course. Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,1992, 174-191. Print.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Brain

Life is composed of communication. Each day we communicate to at least one person. The brain is the beginning of communication. Even as infants, our brains send and receive messages of pain, discomfort, and pleasure. We express ourselves through speech normally and other times it is through other modes of communication, like sign-language or by the written word. The part of the brain for speech is traditionally found in the right hemisphere of the brain. Through many studies people have found that not every person is the same. What should have been obvious took many years to figure out. Because of the differences in people, the right hemisphere may not locate all parts of the speech mechanisms. When scientists and doctors first assumed the all people were made the same and functioned the same, it would seem as though we could assume they found many other qualities that they assumed were the same. When one makes assumptions on people and society the order of life that we live in can become crazed. Problems with medicine will occur. Social and racial discrimination will occur for if a white man believes all humans are just as he or she is and then comes across an Asian or African they would assume that they have "something wrong" with them, when it is not true at all. All people desire communication. It does not matter what race you are, where you come from, or what hemisphere your language components are. We are humans how have the desire to communicate.

Picture found at: created by TEB471959

Friday, February 5, 2010

Speech blog

1) Describe a small speech community to which you belong: What language(s) and/or dialect(s) do you regularly use (=the code), and what are the social norms for their use? Note the kinds of interactions you all engage in over one “typical” day: What are the topics discussed, the settings, the purposes, the “key,” the types or genres of speech, etc?

My family is part French. Both my older siblings and I have taken French for at least four years. My parents and other siblings tend to use bits and pieces of French in our conversations that add a bit of meaning to our speech. C'est la vie (Thats life) , tais-toi (Shut-up) , comme si comme ca(so so) and other phrases are used just because. We normally say things like this in our home setting when around family or close friends. We do not use these saying lightly. Each one is meant passionately, it is also used more when talking to me or when I am talking to someone. It goes to the same regards to my mother and younger brother.

My older sister lived in Texas for 4 years of her life and now lives in New York City. When ever she is talking down to any of us or if she is trying to explain something to us she tends to speak with a heavy New York accent with a bit of southern drawl to it. She never speaks to either of our grandmothers with her southern drawl but with the New York accent. She uses them to convey a bolder meaning to her words.

In both circumstances, we use our bits of language to emphasize our speech. It would be out of character for any of us to veer from those speech patterns. Meanings and emphasis would be taken a different way. Our speech, which was ordered, would become chaotic. To outsiders our speech can become confusing and misleading. We tend to sound jokingly during our foreign language communication and they can take it as a simple joke instead of a passionate meaning.

images found on made by artbymags :

Body Chart

This week of improvement and awarness of myself was difficult. After my findings of who I am, it seemed as though my body could exist without my "soul." I was not able to create an ordered time line for myself. Sickness was a hindrance for my "order." My bodywhat I was able to do. Friday I was in unbearable pain and was not able to expand, control, test, and intrigue my mind. Even though I was hindered in a form I was still able to work on some of my "qualities." My body was doing one thing but my spirit or soul was attempting to do another. If I was to let my body "fix its self," it would. Nothing I did mentally would change it.

This forced me to conclude that self is the combination of control over one's self and the way one processes thoughts, ideas, and actions. This may not be a complete definition, but it is a part of how self is attained, as I see it. Both Franklin and Juhan attempted to focus on their self and tried to improve their self. Franklin was not able to focus on many items at one time. I also found that I had to review myself when the day was completed and even then it seemed I focused on the finale of the day not the specific parts of each day. I do not know how self is attained. Nor do I know how one can be changed or if one can be changed automatically. It was interesting attempting this experiment as Franklin and Juhan did. The one thing that I came out of was the slight understanding of how powerful our mind and body is when they are working as one. Ironically, I had to see them working independently to grasp it.