Sunday, February 21, 2010

Movie compared to self

The movie was about the life, soul, and memory of two specific humans. They each tried to erase each other from their memory to make their lives happier and easier. Their attempts to make their lives better was fruitless. The ending of the little story was a scene of hurt confusion and regret from the loss of their memories that they wanted back so desperately. I choose this picture to symbolize that feeling of dread and incomprehensible vastness.

Self was in each one of those characters with and without their memories. Their inner souls' desires reflected what they choose with and without their memories. It was not their previous decisions that forced their future ones. They had not means to reflect upon their previous decisions. Their attempts at preserving themselves and their soul was human nature. Each character attempted to grasp their memories. Their brain, some would say their "self," took on the role of preservation. Memories help define and explain one's self but it does not make one's self wholly. It is in their desires and inner soul that makes a person who they are, unique. This is only a small attempt to prove that memory is only a small aspect of who we are, but it is my hope to see all people take it upon themselves to not only think upon what I have brought up, but to go beyond and form opinions and maybe even prove me wrong in some aspect. Those ponderings and judgements are what helps make who we are.

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