Monday, February 15, 2010

song on human nature and self

This song has the effects of choices and wants within a life.
"I came on some woods
And stood at a fork in the road
My choices were clear
Yet I froze with the fear
Of not knowing which way to go" (Folgelberg).
The reading on self is significant within this song.It states, "Whatever I may be thinking of, I am always at the same time more
or less aware of
myself, of my personal existence" (William 174).His decision was not one that was only thought of for his own
desires within his life but for the people within his life.
"One road was simple
Acceptance of life
The other road offered sweet peace" (Folgelberg).
What life is about is within our our accord to enable it. What we choose depends on our wants, needs, place in life, and desires.
It is the social, emotional, and desires within ourselves that make our decisions. A blank slate concept is one that states how we make our decisions. Folgelberg did not correlate with the idea of the blank slate. It is what we get out of our decisions that make our lives. The idea of the blank slate implies that it is a divine source from within that our body "checks with" to accept a decision. Life is not run by destiny but by what we choose and why. Folgelberg interpreted the grandness of life with what our heart and human nature desire.
Works Cited
Folgelberg, Dan. "Nether Lands." Nether Lands. Epic Records, 1977.
William, James. "The Self," Psychology: Briefer Course. Literary Classics of the United States, Inc.,1992, 174-191. Print.

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