Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Professor Lemak's lecture

Each generation has a way of expressing either dislike of society. Professor Lemak commented on such ways of Patriotism and authority. One needs to stand up for what one believes is true while staying within the laws, at least at first. Antigone tried to reason with the law but soon found that her pleas were not going to be answered. In my opinion as long as one is not affecting the lives of others while attempting to express one's self then fight the oppression, let your opinions be known and do not back down. When another's life is at stake then the balance becomes very grey. One must then stand for what they believe but use their freedom with responsibility for with freedom there comes consequences.
Laws may be unjust and power might be being abused, but one must at into consideration that we are a people that are governed by rules and some form of order must be taking place or this world would never be as we know it, with the good and the bad that comes with this world. Justice of this world is like power. It may not always be true and righteous but it still needs to have some respect. Freedom and responsibility are within the same modes. Freedom is being responsible for what you believe in and having the option to choose to express your opinion. Responsibility is the force one has that is taken on when one has any form of power, especially freedom.
Power is found especially within the roles of being a leader. Take horses for example. They were beautiful creatures roaming free hurting no one. The leaders of many decided to take away their freedom and use them for what they believed was a better good. Wouldn't one say that those horses deserved better? Was it morally wrong to take a wild creature and force it away from its home, life, family, and freedom? Leadership is when one has power. Those leaders who forced the horses to become pets and Creon, from Burial at Thebes, is a leader who took away Antigone freedom to mourn her brother. Leaders shall do what they please as long as they have some backing to their decisions. That is life.
Power, responsibility, moral choices, life, freedom, and oppression are all intertwined and when one attempts to deconstruct and pull apart each from another life will not be as clear and consequences will have to be dealt with. Each generation had to deal with consequences from society, good and bad, with their music, drugs, and rebellion. Creon had to deal with his consequences for lack of compassion and today we have to deal with our ancestors choices and our choices for what we have done with our freedom and power. There are not clear cut choices. As they say in France, "C'est la vie."

image found at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sheeprus/3321210733/


  1. I think what troubles people most is that there are no clear cut choices for them and they have to take on C'est la vie attitude to survive. However, it seems leaders are able to make clear cut choices and we have to follow. I liked your example of the horses. I think it is easy for us to assume control over things that seem lesser than us.

  2. I like your horses example. I never really thought about them that way before, but now I can see them as an excellent symbol of both raw power and natural freedom.
