Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Blade Runner

Replicants, portrayed in the movie Blade Runner, are human-like robots. They were shown with emotions, compassion, understanding, learning capabilities, want of freedom, a will to live, and desires. They are created humans with flaws. Is that not a "normal" human. Each human has flaws. Our body deaerates. We have urges of violence. We rebel against authority, like parents, government, and teachers. For those replicants to be used as forced labor, the human tendencies of emotion, desires, and the will to live would have to be removed. They have all the human characteristics we would associate with a "normal" human being. In an essence all their human characteristics, like love, would have to be removed. After that grueling process has taken place then maybe it would be morally "okay" for them to be used as forced labor.

In Blade Runner, year 2020, the world is technologically advanced. People are able to make robots into "real" creatures. The snakes, in the movie Blade Runner, look like live snakes. They move smoothly and graphically look as though they are handling live snakes when in actuality they are only robots created to look, sound, and act like snakes. THe economy seems prosperous as long as you are healthy and are able to create types of robots or parts that could go into robots. There are the three types of classes it appears in Blade Runner the poor is the lowest class. They are the ones that are not technologically advanced. We saw this group on the streets steeling from the main character. The second class or the middle class is like the "toy maker." He was intelligent yet, because he was not healthy he was not able to advance into the third group, the high class. They were the healthy and intelligent people. The high advancement in technology cut the classes into three specific groups and putting the economy into the hands of the high class. The two lower classes just need to accept where they are and live the best life they can. It is like on an airplane. The first class, or high class, are treated with respect and special advances while the lower class are forced into close quarters with little to no say to what they receive.

second imagine taken from:

first imagine taken from:

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