Friday, March 26, 2010


The lecture was all about evolution. Within the lecture the statement I kept coming back to was people go to what they see to believe. Darwin was in the sciences for most of his life. He found science interesting so, from what I concluded from listening to the lecturer, Darwin did not believe in Christianity even though he was around that religion for his entire life. What we find interesting or true influences what we believe. Darwin liked order. He split up how life was formed and then made speculations on his research to form his beliefs. To some the idea of science is chaotic and makes little to no sense. Others may like the well defined structure and find it orderly.
The Native Americans use nature as a base for their beliefs. They were around nature for their entire life. Nature was in their everyday life, affecting how they lived. Their lives, some would say, were too consumed with simple survival that they did not have to time or will to spend their "free time" on learning the break down facts that Darwin did. Order and Chaos with religion is all based upon personal preference.

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