Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Feminists are regarded with one extreme or another most of the time. A relative of mine is an extreme feminist but not in the regards as Dr. Jesse Kabaila Kapasula. The ordered way her culture views on the abilities and freedoms of women is chaotic to many of us. They do chants to tell a message of discontent, as a group. It seemed ironic that for females in America that we must go through courts and legal systems to end a relationship from discontent or abuse. Feminists scream the message of equality for women, but shouldn't it be equality of life. When life a person's life is disturbed then the people in and around said life would also be disturbed. One should have the option of adding or eliminating relationships within their own personal life without the permission of a powering body.
Dr. Kapasula was giving examples of how their culture takes the law into their own hands. The woman take some grass from their house and lights it telling the man that she is not happy and go back to where he came from. It is simple, understandable, and upon a sole person. We have to hire a lawyer to send us papers to send to the government, which the other spouse has to sign, to be accepted so that their marriage can end. It has a specific order which must be followed to for the most part. It is ordered. We have no right to say our way is better than another without knowing about it and more than likely experiencing it. Feminists of all countries and areas have different ideas and circumstances that they fight for. None are wrong, even though they may be judged, yet they also may seem ludicrous. We as a people will not stop judging for it is in our nature, but maybe we should consider another point of view.

1 comment:

  1. I think you really captured the concept of international feminism as presented by Dr. Kapasula. It is so easy to judge another culture, so it is our role to listen and see what is there before we attempt to impose our understanding of what is right.
